Compiler Theory



Everything in compiler theory is a judgement. A judgement has the following form.

 P₁  P₂  ...  Pₙ

which means J holds if Pᵢ holds for every i.


s is expr

 true is expr
 false is expr
 e₁ is expr     e₂ is expr
      e₁ + e₂ is expr

and so on.

n is nat

 0 is nat
    n is expr
 (add1 n) is nat

(n is expr allows for add1 (0 + 3))

Proofs involving judgments

Since judgments are inductively defined, proofs involving judgments are by induction on the structure of the syntax. Theorems are usually of the following form.

Theorem: P is true of s, where s is nat.

Proof (by induction on s is nat):