Theory of Computing

The Pumping Lemma

The pumping lemma

Lemma (the pumping lemma): every regular language satisfies the pumping condition.

The pumping condition

The pumping condition

there exists an integer p such that for every string ω ∈ L with |ω| ≥ p, there exist strings x, y, z ∈ Σ* such that ω = xyz, y ≠ ε, |xy| ≤ p, so that xyⁱz ∈ L ∀i ≥ 0.

  • Intuitively, a language cannot be regular if it requires comparing lots of things that are far apart or involves counting something.
  • If the computation path of a finite automaton on an input string ω is longer than its number of states, the computation path must have a cycle.
    • Let x be the part of input that was processed before arriving at the beginning of the cycle (call that state q).
    • While going around the cycle, the finite automaton read y from the input.
    • After the cycle, it reads z from the input.
    • What if the input were xyyz?
      • The finite automaton must also accept: it just traverses the cycle twice.
    • Message: if language L is regular, then for sufficiently long input ω ∈ L, we can repeat its special substring y to get another string in L.
      • Refinement:
        • Let p = number of states of the finite automaton.
        • If |ω| ≥ p then the computation path has length ≥ p + 1.
        • By pigeonhole principle, a cycle exists.
        • So we can assume |xy| ≤ p, which is enough to get a cycle.
    • Important point: we can (usually) use the pumping lemma to prove that a language is not regular by proving that it satisfies the negation of the pumping condition.
      • We cannot use the pumping lemma to prove that a language is regular.

Negation of the pumping condition

Negation of the pumping condition
For all integers p, there exists a string ω ∈ L with |ω| ≥ p, for all x, y, z ∈ Σ* satisfying (1) ω = xyz, (2) y ≠ ε, and (3) |xy| ≤ p, then there exists an integer i (i = 0 or i ≥ 2) such that xyⁱz ∉ L.

Example usage

Theorem: L = {0ⁿ1ⁿ : n ≥ 0} is not regular.
