Theory of Computing
Turing Machines
Turing machines
Church-Turing thesis: intuitive notion of algorithm = Turing machine.
Turing-complete means equivalent to an arbitrary Turing machine.
Amazing ideas
- Definition of algorithms
- Some problems have no algorithmic solution
- Natural problems like problem E, Hilbert’s 10th problem, or halting problem has no algorithmic solution.
A Turing machine has an infinitely long tape to the right (towards the “end” of the tape).
Differences between DFAs and TMs
- Input is on tape.
- Can write to tape.
- Can move left and right on tape.
- Immediately halt when reaching the accepting state or the rejecting state.
- The rejecting state must exist but may not be shown (with implicit transitions).
- a → b, R
- if tape symbol is a, write b and move head right
- a → R
- if tape symbol is a, move head right
- a, b, c → R
- if tape symbol is a, b, or c, move head right
- Turing machine
is a 7-tuple (Q, Σ, Γ, δ, q₀, qaccept, qreject) where
- Q is a finite set of states
- Σ is a finite set of symbols, called the input alphabet
- Γ is a finite set of symbols, called the tape alphabet
- δ : Q × Γ → Q × Γ × {L, R} is the transition function
- q₀ ∈ Q is the start state
- qaccept ∈ Q is the accept state
- qreject ∈ Q is the reject state
- qreject ≠ qaccept
- Σ ⊆ Γ
- the blank symbol ␣ ∈ Γ Σ
Outcomes when running a Turing machine
On input x, a Turing machine has 3 possibilities
- Accept
- Reject
- Run in an infinite loop
- This option is new because NFA and PDA must read input once.
Recognizers and deciders
The language recognized by a Turing machine M is L(M) = {x : on input x, M halts in qaccept}.
A language is recognizable if some Turing machine recognizes it.
If a Turing machine M halts for all inputs then M is a decider and L(M) is the language decided by M.
L(M) is a decidable language.
A configuration is a way to describe the entire state of the Turing machine.
It is a string aqb where a ∈ Γ*, q ∈ Q, b ∈ Γ*.
- q is the current state of the finite controller.
- tape contents are ab.
- head is pointing to the first symbol of b.
A Turing machine halts with
- accept if it is in any configuration of the form aqacceptb for any ab,
- reject if it is in any configuration of the form aqrejectb for any ab.
Config(i) uniquely defines Config(i+1).
Multi-tape Turing machines
A k-tape Turing machine is a useful variant of Turing machines.
- Input on leftmost squares of tape 1.
- Rest of squares are all blanks on all tapes.
- At each point, take a step determined by current k symbols on the tape heads and the current state q.
Theorem: every k-tape Turing machine has an equivalent single tape Turing machine.
Non-deterministic Turing machines
- A non-deterministic Turing machine
- is a 7-tuple M = (Q, Σ, Γ, δ, q₀, qaccept, qreject) where the only difference from a deterministic Turing machine is δ : Q × Γ → 2Q × Γ × {L, R}.
A non-deterministic Turing machine accepts its input if and only if some node in the configuration tree has qaccept.
- Formally, input ω is accepted if ∃configurations c₀, c₁, …, cₖ where
- c₀ = qstartω.
- c₁ ⇒* ci+1, where ci+1 is a possible configuration from cᵢ, following the transition function δ).
A non-deterministic Turing machine does not accept its input if and only if the configuration tree grows forever (infinite loop) or no node in the tree has qaccept.
Outcomes of running a non-deterministic Turing machine
- A string ω is accepted: any node in the tree is an accepting configuration.
- A string ω is explicitly rejected: the tree is finite but no node is an accepting configuration, i.e. all leaves are rejecting configurations.
- The non-deterministic Turing machine runs forever on ω: the tree is infinite but no node is an accepting configuration.
Non-deterministic Turing machine deciders
A non-deterministic Turing machine is a decider if for all inputs, case 1 or 2 happens.
Equivalence of non-deterministic Turing machines and deterministic Turing machines
Theorem: every non-deterministic Turing machine has an equivalent deterministic Turing machine.
Given a non-deterministic Turing machine M we can construct a deterministic Turing machine M’ such that L(M) = L(M’).
Theorem: If NTM M is a decider, we can make DTM M’ a decider as well.
Language hierarchy
Regular languages ⊆ context-free languages ⊆ decidable languages ⊆ recognizable languages.